URI Plastics investigators profiled by WPRI 12 for microplastics research

Jaime Ross, assistant professor in URI’s George and Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience and Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, details her latest research on microplastics and brain health at the 2023 Global Plastics Forum, held at URI this past May.

Earlier this month, URI Plastics: Land to Sea investigators were interviews by reporters from WPRI 12 about their research on microplastics. J.P. Walsh, professor of oceanography and chair of the Coastal Resources Institute, and Victoria Fulfer, a Ph.D. candidate at URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography, detailed their latest publication on how microplastics are accumulating in sediments throughout Narragansett Bay.

Jaime Ross, assistant professor in URI’s George and Anne Ryan Institute for Neuroscience and Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, also explained her latest research on how microplastics could impact human brain health.

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