Plastics: Land to Sea. A timely research initiative to accelerate the implementation of long-term solutions to dramatically reduce plastics pollution by aligning resources and academic strengths from humanities to sciences and from local to global partners. URI recognizes the complexity of this global issue from climate impacts of plastic production, consumption and disposal to environmental justice implications. No one entity can solve it alone. URI research teams welcome non-profits, academic peers, corporate and government partners across the United States and overseas to participate in this land-to-sea initiative.
- Connect by harnessing the networking power of a public research land- and sea-grant institution.
- Communicate through expanded work with the public, scientists, journalists and other science communicators.
- Collaborate to strengthen capacity and capability to leverage and connect URI’s diverse expertise and resources with companies, communities, government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and academia.
- Accelerate the advancement of research, strategies and commercial solutions to address the problems of plastics production, use, and end-of-life disposal and development of alternative materials.