University of Rhode Island Scientists Put Plastics Research Under the Microscope—Literally - There area range of techniques, technologies and tools available at universities that bring researchers together. URI engineering’s Material Imaging and Analytical core facilities provide not only access to state-of-the art equipment, but also a collaborative environment for researchers and their partners around the state looking at plastics around the globe, from ice in the Arctic to state waste treatment facilities to the Narragansett Bay. Read more
From Pollution to Product: URI Textiles Expert Izabela Ciesielska-Wrobel Works to Weave Plastics into Cloth - Isabella Ciesielska-Wrobel, a URI textiles expert, felt the same way many of us do -- awful -- when confronted by the issue of plastics pollution; read this story to see how she's putting her knowledge to work to potentially develop long-lasting cloths from ocean waste. Read more
Professor Elizabeth Mendenhall: Propelling Policy for Ocean Plastics - Ridding the oceans of plastic starts with sound science and good policy. That’s the key to a recent paper by Elizabeth Mendenhall, assistant professor of marine affairs and political science at the University of Rhode Island. Read more
Surface Science for Plastics Solutions - Invisible to the naked eye, a skin of plastic on ocean surfaces pollutes places critical for marine life, our environment, and our economy. Read how a National Science Foundation grant is powering the efforts of URI chemical engineering researcher Geoff Bothun to get to the bottom of this ocean surface plastics problem. Read more
Header image credit: Antoine de Decker