Rainer Lohmann He/His

Professor, Oceanography in the Graduate School of Oceanography

Director, URI’s Superfund Research Center STEEP

Lohmann’s expertise is in the study of legacy and emerging persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the oceans, lakes, and atmosphere. POPs are anthropogenic organic compounds that don’t degrade in the environment. They can be transported far from sources and are known to accumulate in wildlife and humans. His research project advances novel detection tools for PFASs, and studies the transport and bioavailability of legacy organic contaminants, such as PCBs or dioxins, either close to home at Superfund sites or in remote regions, often relying on passive sampling. Lohmann has investigated the problem of fluoropolymer production and use.

STEEP (Sources, Transport, Exposure and Effects of PFAS) NIEHS Superfund Research Program

Are Fluoropolymers Really of Low Concern for Human and Environmental Health and Separate from Other PFAS?

Are Fluoropolymers Really of Low Concern for Human and Environmental Health and Separate from Other PFAS?

Header image credit: Jasmin Sessler