Sylvette Tourmente

Director & Head, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), North America

Sylvette Tourmente, CNRS Research Director;  Director CNRS Office for the USA and Mexico; Embassy of France, 4101 Reservoir Rd NW; Washington, DC 20007-USA;

Between 1997 and 2013, Sylvette Tourmente, CNRS Research Director in Life Sciences, was the PI of a team composed of 15 people, entitled: Establishment, maintenance and epigenetic regulation of Heterochromatin, in the GReD (Genetics, reproduction and Development) laboratory in Clermont-Ferrand (France). Meanwhile, she was the communication- correspondent for the GReD, in charge of the international affairs for the doctoral school in Life Sciences, Health, Agriculture and Environment and scientific delegate for the Hceres (Research and Higher Education Evaluation Committee). In 2013, she joined the French Embassy in Budapest (Hungary) as attaché for science and higher education cooperation, and was assigned in Germany as scientific attaché at the French Embassy in Berlin in 2017. Since October 1st, 2019 she is Director of the CNRS Office for the USA and Mexico, in Washington.

Header image credit: Jasmin Sessler