Building Research Capacity @URI

URI’s Plastics: Land to Sea initiative is aligning capacity and capabilities across its several campuses to advance research to inform society, guide public policy, enable strategic investments and reduce plastics pollutants. As a land and sea grant research institution complemented by Rhode Island’s 400 miles of coastline and coastal economies, URI is a major resource and contributor to solutions and strategies to reduce land to sea plastics pollutants.
Over the past year, the initiative hosted the Global Plastics Forum, bringing together more than 80 local and international experts tackling the impact of plastics throughout the world. Additionally, over $200k has been awarded to URI faculty for research in microplastics. On Thursday, October, 12, URI Plastics: Land to Sea will kick off “a string of seminar “Empowering Plastics Solutions,” a series of discussions aimed at sharing information and novel approaches, as well as identifying potential collaborations among faculty, students, and community and industry partners.