Abstracts – 2023 Global Plastics Forum

The Ugly Truth

Brooke Collins ABSTRACT

Spatial and seasonal distribution and characteristics of microplastics in Narragansett Bay surface water

Sarah Davis, Coleen Suckling, Andrew Davies ABSTRACT

Interplay Between Microplastic Exposure and Age-related Cognitive Decline

Lauren Gaspar, Sydney Bartman, Giuseppe Coppotelli, Jaime M. Ross ABSTRACT

A microfluidic approach for label-free identification of small-sized microplastics in seawater

Liyuan Gong, Omar Martinez, Pedro Mesquita, Yang Xu, Yang Lin ABSTRACT

Potential for recycling Spandex

Arianna Gutierrez & Izabela Ciesielska-Wrobel ABSTRACT

Determining the toxicity of polyethylene photoproduct complex mixtures in developing zebrafish

Bryan D. James, Sibel I. Karchner, Anna N. Walsh, Neelakanteswar Aluru, Diana G. Franks, Kallen R. Sullivan, Christopher M. Reddy, Collin P. Ward, Mark E. Hahn ABSTRACT

Regenerated cellulose fibers: Are they the future?

Charles Jouaneh ABSTRACT

Shore litter as a source of microplastic pollution in bodies of freshwater

Maureen Kennedy, Ashley Velzis, Sarah Davis, Andrew Davies, Coleen Suckling ABSTRACT

Aiding RI educators: Textiles sustainability education for middle schoolers

Lily Monahan ABSTRACT

Utilization of recycled plastic waste in construction materials and its environmental impacts 

Sirri Neba Nforsoh, Kayla Kurtz, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver ABSTRACT

Export of microplastics to coastal areas in Central Chile: The contribution of Biobío River

Karla Pozo, Mariett Torres, Alberto Jorquera, Camila Ahrendt, Camila Jacobsen, Katherine Pozo, Roberto Urrutia, Cristian Mattar ABSTRACT

Can a simple reminder reduce plastic bag use? A pilot field experiment in Bangladesh

Md Tahsin Hasan, Emi Uchida

Ingestion and accumulation of microplastics by the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus)

Ashley Velzis, Sarah Davis, Andrew Davies, & Coleen Suckling ABSTRACT

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