Critical Coastal Conversations: The URI Honors Colloquium Captures UN “Decade of Ocean Science” Call to Action

Chelsea Rochman (University of Toronto) will speak about the story of plastic pollution

From September through December 2021, the URI annual Honors Colloquium, “Sustaining Our Shores, offers a series of events with prominent experts discussing climate change and coasts in crisis, future of seafood and plastics and marine pollution. Coasts around the world vary greatly in form and function, but they are all changing. With over 50% of the world’s population living near the coast, change not only means the loss of unique habitats but also has profound economic and social consequences. The URI Honors Colloquium will foster a critical conversation on the coast – an important topic for the Ocean State and other global shorelines. Aligned with the UN Decade of Ocean Science, it’s a key opportunity for all to listen, learn and take a leap into action. 

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